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Saturday, April 30, 2022

Goodbye April...


I don't know if May will be any better, but I'm glad this is the last day of April 2022.  This was not been a great month for me.   I woke to the darkest morning of the year so far & it wasn't even raining.  It was just cloud cover.  April you were a very trying month & I'm ready to leave you behind.   

That's all for now,  take care.


Friday, April 29, 2022

Last April Friday...


It's an OK morning, but not great.  I'm still not waking up well. The forecast is showing chances of thunderstorms from here until mid May.  I know we need rain, but this month, this year so far, has been exhausting.  Maybe there just aren't many good days really left.  It feels that way sometimes.

We have to go shopping.  Other than,  we don't have anything planned.  Take care.


Thursday, April 28, 2022

Early Spring...


I've posted about dealing with SAD before.  For many the disorder can happen as soon as the light begins to lessen in early Fall.   I can feel it then, sometimes the dread of it hits me in late Summer.  

As bad as some Autumn & Winter days can be,  for me  the worst of it is early Spring.   By this time, I'm spent from dealing with the dark of Winter.   It should be getting lighter & warmer.  All the silver linings have slipped & I just need sunshine.   For the last few years March has been my hardest month.  This year, April is almost over & I'm having some of my hardest days.  

It's nearly May & most mornings have still been dreary.  The 1st month of Spring has passed & I still haven't cleared out all the Winter stuff.  My desk & the floors are still chilly to the touch.  I used to face dealing with SAD about a quarter of the year.  This year it's been over half.  It's exhausting.  Add this to every other stressor & at times,  it's too much.  Spring has become the hardest time of the year for me.


Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Better So Far...


It's bright this morning & so far nothing's been a problem.  Last night was chilly.  The forecast says those nights are over, but it's said that before.  We don't have much planned other than taking out trash & running some errands.

I've been seeing articles again about people having sex without revealing their HIV status to their partners.  Some states have moved to decriminalize this.  If you aren't mature enough to reveal the reality of your situation to your partner, you probably shouldn't be having sex with other people.

That's about it for now.   Take care.


Tuesday, April 26, 2022



I hate buying things.  I may have the worst consistent state of buyer's remorse, I've ever known.  Purchases of note are always a source of dread.  It won't work, it's not was needed or it's not was expected.  The worst is that something happens that I won't have the funds for after the purchase.

Mornings are my biggest source of buyer's remorse.  Getting out of bed is like buying the day.  This seldom works out in my favor.  Oh it's a good morning but the weather's crap.  You could actually slept in, but something needs handled.   It's a bright  morning, too bad Windows has umpteen updates that will all screw up & take too long.

Mornings suck.   I wish I could just skip waking up.  It never goes well for me.  This is the reason some of us hate mornings.   BTW, perky, happy, smiley morning people should be strung up.  To hell with your morning happiness, Bah the F' Humbug on you & yours for having the indecency to be a morning person.

Good day.


Monday, April 25, 2022


We'll head shopping in a bit.  I'm hoping the roads are open.  It poured a lot yesterday & last night.  We got nearly 3" of rain.  There's probably flooding in the area.  It's a dim sky now, but the rain looks to be over for a while.  Tomorrow is supposed to sunny.  Great, now we're in Annie.

Take care.


Sunday, April 24, 2022

Dark & Rumbling...


Storms have left everything dark & rumbly.  There are flood warnings in our area.  I'm not sure what to expect from the weather  today.  I'll make this short.  I still need to shower & deal with trash before I get breakfast.  Hopefully the storms won't be bad.  I don't  want to lose power or the net.

That's all for now, take care.


Saturday, April 23, 2022

Slow Morning...


My morning is dragging.  I went to bed early for me.  I haven't been feeling that great.  I managed to sleep a lot more than I normally do.  It's left me a little groggy this morning.  My typing is worse than normal.  It's bright enough this morning.  We're expecting rain tonight.  Monday & Tuesday are supposed to cooler again.  I really wish this up down thing would end for a bit. 

There weren't any articles.  So that's it for me this morning.  Take care.


Friday, April 22, 2022

Morning Stress...


I've never been good with mornings.  I've always been adverse to them.  It wasn't just about waking up either.  Mornings have always been the most stressful point of my day.  Even if there wasn't anything going on or something to stress about, I found myself anxious in just after waking.  Some days are worse.  But even on good mornings, I'm still a little stressed.  I can wake from stressful dreams or bad sleep.  I can wake to crappy mornings ranging from dreary to full on chaos.  Post waking & I have never been good.  I doubt that will change.


Thursday, April 21, 2022



There isn't much happening today & I'm glad.  This weather has me sputtering.  It's dim, that's better than full on grey.  I'd prefer bright, but this is what I have.  There weren't any articles of interest.  Most were noting how hard COVID had made it to monitor HIV.  

That's all I've got this morning.  Take care.


Wednesday, April 20, 2022

More Wet Greyness...


This month hasn't been good for me.  It rained a lot last night & now it's the same old grey BS.  April has been mostly overcast hell.  So much for a good Spring.  Winter was colder, but it was also brighter.  That's all I have for now.  I doubt the rest of the month will be any better.

Take care.


Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Science Won't...


I've come across a few articles lately, that while aggravating, are accurate.  Science won't end COVID, it  hasn't & won't end HIV.  HIV may be incurable, but we've had the means to test, treat & contain it for decades.   Hasn't meant a damn thing in ending  HIV.  It's lowered the fatality rates, but the virus continues to be spread even now.

The same is true with COVID.   We've had the means  to lessen the spread & impact of this virus for a bit now.  It isn't ending this outbreak.

Yes,  science will impact the spread of these illnesses.  But, not enough.  It takes money, a lot of money.  Even with the funds, it takes the willingness of the population.  The group has to be willing to listen, learn & face the problem in a logical manner.  Little of this was accomplished with HIV.  Even less headway has been made with COVID.  Violent, angry indulged ignorance has been the chosen path for many when facing COVID & those trying to fight it.   These people choose violence, hate,  idiocy & conspiracy theories over the facts.  Again, they have made a virus an ideological matter.  A thing of religion & politics. 

Science can't & won't end HIV or COVID.  There are too many stupid, violent indulgent people in the world.  Do your best to keep yourself safe, no one  else will.  Take care.


Monday, April 18, 2022

Not Much, But...


For the good news, it's a bright morning.  For that I'm thankful.  I haven't been doing well with the gloom at all.  The constant weather shifting was really knocking  me around.  It may not last, but for the now the sky is bright.

I saw pieces, none went that far, about how finances weren't the major issue in the search for an HIV vaccine.  Most writers came to the conclusion, it was  the complexity of the matter that was the primary issue.   That's a mixed  bag of info.

I need to get around so we can head out.   Take care.


Sunday, April 17, 2022

Happy Easter


Happy Chocolate Bunny Day.  It's still dreary here, but might be dry enough for people's Easter events.  May your egg hunting go better than my search for articles.  Maybe that rabbit has some sunny days in his basket.

Happy Holiday & take care.


Saturday, April 16, 2022

Not Great...


It's not a great morning.   It stormed all night & we'll grey for the rest of the weekend.  April is proving to the 4th sucky month of 2022.   Good job there 22, 4 for 4. This weather has gotten the better of my mood & my health.  I feel like crap.  I need better mornings.

Screw you April.


Friday, April 15, 2022

Net Outage Filler...


Woke to no internet & now I have the rest of my daily stuff to handle.  I'll try to post tomorrow.  Hopefully, Suddenlink won't be out again.

Take care.


Thursday, April 14, 2022

Still None...


The absence of decent articles continues.  This is frustrating, there's a lot to write about.   There's more to HIV+ people than just doctors, meds & the virus.  What about the rest of their live? 

I did less than 10 minutes of yard work this morning.   Then paid for it with almost 30 minutes of coughing, itching & rough breathing.  There are 3 small Winterberries in the front that need trimmed & taken to the curb.  After that, I'm done for the season.  Yay!

That's all for now, take care.


Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Another Crap Morning...


It's dark this morning.  It's been threatening rain all week.  It's done a little.  The weather has stayed fairly miserable.  Not quite too warm, but very close.   The humidity is annoying.  I'm waking up stiff, allergy ridden & dehydrated.  April is seriously sucking. 

It's dark enough I had to turn on another light to compensate.  Of course Windows had to update this morning.  To make matters worse, I woke to some asshat mowing.  The sky's dark & rumbling, but they just have to mow.  I know sometimes people need to mow in the mornings.   But I still think people who do are assholes.

So not a good morning & probably not a great day.  We'll handle trash later & maybe some errands.  Take care.


Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Grey After Bad...


There was some severe weather last night.  Most of it  missed us.   We got a wind, lightning & hail.  It dumped quite a bit of rain.  Too bad it's still grey & allergy ridden.  It'll probably be grey all day, no fun there.  Still not feeling that well.

I don't have much else this morning.  Take care.


Monday, April 11, 2022

Not Fun Morning...


Dehydration, itchy eyes, scratchy throat, itchy throat  & sniffling is what I woke up with.  There's barely any light peeking through the clouds.  It's been threatening to rain.  Apparently that's the plan for the week.  Nature will screw up everything with threats of foul weather.  That means putting yard stuff even farther.  Yet somehow, allergy levels are still high.   I'm hating April.  This month's weather is sucking.  

Not much else to offer this  morning before we go shopping.   Take care.


Sunday, April 10, 2022

The Wind....


We're under a wind advisory.   I've developed a low grade hate for that noise.  It's passed the annoyance level.  It'll be here all day.  Yay...

There's still a little yard stuff to be handled.  Too bad the weather isn't cooperating.  If it's not windy, then there are storms in the forecast.  Oh there might be another dip into the 30s this upcoming weekend.   This is BS.  I just want this handled & over.   

The weather is making things take longer.  Allergy season is worse because of the wet, windy crap  we've been having.  I can't even get blankets washed & stowed.   It's April, this crap should be handled.

That's all for now, take care.


Saturday, April 9, 2022

Chilly But Bright...


It's chilly this morning, but at least it's bright & shiny.  I'm feeling a little better than yesterday & it's warming up fairly quickly.   It'd be nice to be past this seasonal yick we've been dealing with the last couple of days.  I went to bed early for me last night.  My eyes were itchy & tired.  I'm faring better so far this morning.

We don't have anything planned for today.  I don't think either of us could handle much.  This allergy stuff has gotten to the both of us.

That's all for now.  Take care.


Friday, April 8, 2022

Still Rough...


I had a rough day yesterday.  Post mowing allergies took a swipe & hit hard.  I had some serious cough fits & sneezing.  I felt off most of the day.  This morning's more of the same, just not as severe.  The damned wind has been blowing almost non-stop.  It's annoying.  I'm really beginning to hate that sound.

We have to finish up bills this morning.   I need to  stop by the pharmacy.  Then it's back home.  Of course, it's supposed to get cold again tonight.  Between the wind, allergies & temp shifts, I'm wondering when I'll feel decent again.

So much for a pleasant month.   Take care.


Thursday, April 7, 2022

Rough Morning....


This has not been an easy morning.  The 1st yard mowing of the season happened yesterday.  It was needed, but whatever was in that grass declared war when it was cut.   My roomie, the cats & me all felt the wave of yard yick hit us after he mowing.  It needed to happen, still it sucked.

I did some edging this morning.  Of course the damn wind was blowing.  It could be perfectly still, but let me try to do anything in that stupid yard & f'ing wind starts blasting.  It's never a little breeze either, it's blowing everything  I'm  trying to handle in another direction.  Spring you suck almost as much as Winter.  To hell with your wind & storms, just give me some light already.

Any way, I'm spent & allergy ridden.  That's all for now.  1st mowing, yay... Take care.


Wednesday, April 6, 2022

More Light Needed...


Spring is failing on the brightness levels. So far, it's been as dismal as most of Winter.  People need light, we're not mushrooms.   I'm tired of the dark & I've had enough BS.  

Some people are never bothered by the drear.  However, once they are, they are from that point out.   The intensity of the reaction can vary, but I've never  heard of anyone getting past it.

I was the 1st person in our house affected, but now my roomie is as well.   At times it's worse for me.  At the moment, it seems to be getting to her more than  it is me.

It's hard to explain.  But, you know when the light levels are bright enough.  It's like your eyes suddenly stretch & expand a bit.  Then the world's a better place.

Spring get with the damn light already.


Tuesday, April 5, 2022

April After Rain...


The only good thing about this last rain was that it drove down the pollen.  It won't last long, but for now, it's nice.  There were no articles worth noting this morning.  The best I can say so far is that rain's stopped & the sun's shining.  Past that, there's not much going on here.  

Take care.


Monday, April 4, 2022

So Much For Bright...


So much for sunny mornings.  April is showing it's sucky side & will until the weekend.  We're expecting clouds & possibly rain all week, to hell with May flowers, I need sun now. The cold, wet & drear are supposed to be over.

This piece is brief, but detailed how researchers in India found HIV was more virulent in heterosexual men than MSM.  The virus lowers the CD4 count faster in heterosexual men than those having sex with other men.  The numbers are there, but more research is needed to know the hows, whys & impact of the matter.

It's also National Youth HIV & AIDS Awareness Day.  This links to more info on the matter.  This age range  is high for HIV transmissions.  While low on having adequate treatment for HIV.  

That's all for now.  We have bills to handle & shopping.  Take care.


Sunday, April 3, 2022

Bright April Sunday...


We don't have anything planned for today & there aren't any articles.  This post will be brief.   But I am glad it's a bright morning.  I really needed that.  I'm tired of the drear.  Even if we get a little chilly for a bit more, if it'd stay bright, things would be easier.  We'll start 1st of the month stuff tomorrow.  Another month begins.

Take  care.


Saturday, April 2, 2022

Post Rain Morning...


The 1st April rain happened.   It wasn't much, but it  knocked the allergens down a bit.   I'll take the help.  The levels will probably climb again tomorrow, but that's then.  The sun is finally shining this morning.  Maybe this will be an OK day.

There's an annoying trend in articles.   The titles make them sound very interesting & on point.  They aren't, they're trend pieces.   I saw an article this morning & the title implied it was about advancements in HIV related CRISPR.

I wasn't expecting this piece to state how the HIV problem had been solved with CRISPR.  However, I was expecting some talk of developing strategies or applications.  I got neither.  This piece vaguely detailed HIV treatment, mostly meds, & inferred there was research going on with the possible future application of CRISPR.  This wasn't an article, it was a vague primer over HIV treatments.

Oh well,  the sun's shining, take care.  


Friday, April 1, 2022

Hello April...


It's April's, hopefully we can finally leave these cooler temps behind.  Today is Fools' Day & there's a fool that's being mowing since the sun came up.  It may have be bright, but the grass is still wet.  Not fun dealing with that.  I definitely didn't need more adding to the pollen levels. 

We'll go shopping in a bit.  The month begins.  Monday we'll start handling the monthly bills.  That's all we have planned at the moment.

Take care.
