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Thursday, February 3, 2022

Frosted Morning...


It started freeze pissing last night.  It wasn't sleet, snow or really frozen rain, it was nature taking a light tinkle of frozen crap.  It looks like it snowed a little last night, but not nearly as much as they expected.  I don't even think it's snow, I think it's just itty bits of ice.  I tried to brush of the steps, but it was a solid piece of bumpy, frozen sleet.

I can still see grass through most of it, so it's an an inch or so deep at most.  It's supposed to keep this up all day.  I can occasionally hear it tap against the windows.  Snow doesn't generally tap when it hits glass.   I'm not sure we've had any snow yet.

It's an inside day for us.  Here's hoping this doesn't get any worse.  Take  care.


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