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Friday, February 18, 2022



There's a fair amount of frustration for me at the moment.  Things need to get handled at some  point that are probably going to be more of an issue than they should be.  The weather isn't being my friend.  It's cold out, but at least the sun's shining.   It looks like another up-down cycle for temps is coming next week.  That'll be just awesome for us, sarcasm intended. 

Adding to this, the mail is screwing with my bills.  I'm going to have to find another way to handle them.  I hate it when things make me alter my methods, just because they decide to be faulty.   I rarely go back to what I was doing before.  This has happened a lot this last year or so.  I had to change where I got insurance & where I by my cat meds.   

That's all for now.  Take care.


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