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Monday, February 28, 2022

Yet Again & Again...


I've written about this too many times.  According to this piece, another medical facility has not followed proper sterilization procedures.   The VA medical center in  Dublin, Ga has possibly exposed over 4,000 patients  to hepatitis, HIV & other viruses.  

More than 4,000 veteran patients were informed surgical instruments used on them were not sterilized properly. Veterans and their families tell us they are overwhelmed with worry.

How many more times is this kind of incident going to happen?  These processes are supposed to be standard practice.  Yet, we hear about 1 or more every few months happening across the country.  This profession has got to do better.  A single incident, no   matter how "innocent" could leave a person facing a lifelong battle with HIV.  There are no excuses for this.  Do Better.


Sunday, February 27, 2022

Little Late...


I'm doing this a little late this morning.  I'm handling a lost bill issue.  I've done the final steps I can.  Now, all I can do is wait.  This means using the US mail as little as possible for important matters.  That's 2 items lost in about 2 years.  I did my part, the postal service did not.  Time to move on.


Saturday, February 26, 2022

Off Schedule...


We got off schedule due to the weather & went shopping this morning.  I forgot to do a post.  This is it for  now.  I'll do more tomorrow.


Friday, February 25, 2022

Some Sun...


Not many articles on this frigid morning.  At least it's bright outside.  Here's hoping the sun melts off a lot of this crunchy, frozen crap.  I'd like to get back on schedule.  I'll see what I can clear off after a while.   I don't have a lot of plans for today.  

That's about it for now, take care.


Thursday, February 24, 2022

White & Grey...


Not much to write about this morning.  It's cold, grey & covered in white sleet.  Our chances for more frozen stuff is over in about an hour.  It won't really warm up for a bit.  So, it'll be another cold, dreary day.  I was over Winter before it began.  

We took trash to the curb.  I'm doubting it'll get picked up today, we'll see.   Last time it did this, it took the garbage trucks a few days to get back out.  So, it's wait & see.

That's all for. Take care.


Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Freezing Rain...


It's raining frozen grit.  It's freezing rain, but it sounds like tiny pebbles hitting the windows.   It's not going to  get  above freezing today.  Oh joy, a whole day of  dripping faucets & lit stoves. This is going  to be a  day of annoying sounds.  

We have to deal with trash today & that's about it.  We did an outing yesterday to handle some things we would've handled this afternoon.  I'm really over Winter.


Tuesday, February 22, 2022

After & Before...


Just a note on my appointment with my primary yesterday.  Everything went fine.  It took longer than it should've but that was expected.  Afterwards I went for X-rays to prove I don't have TB.  I'll see him again in 3 months.

The upcoming few days aren't going to be fun weatherwise.  It's supposed to get frigid & have precipitation.  We'll see how it goes.   The following Wednesday, I have a telemedicine appointment.  Then maybe I'm done with doctors for a bit.  

That's about it for now, take care.


Monday, February 21, 2022

Early Appointment...


I have an appointment with my primary in a bit.  I hate these quarterly doctor appointments.   They have to be ridiculously early or else I end up have huge wait times.  I'll still have  to wait, but hopefully not for   long.  I hate getting up this early, going down there this early & having to wait for an appointment that's  time has passed. 

After I get back, we'll go shopping.   That'll be it for a bit.  I have a telemedicine meeting the beginning of March.  Meeting with this many doctor types so close together isn't fun.


Sunday, February 20, 2022

Not RIght...


A few days ago, I posted about the 3rd case of a HIV being cured due a transplant.  This had been the 1st woman & 1st person of color.   But in only 3 cases that makes it different, not unique.  

There are articles out this morning asking HIV+ people if this makes them feel hopeful.   Some of these pieces are even pushing for the reader to get their hopes up.  There is no call for that.   This may have been the 3rd case, but it's still a fluke.  It's not seen as a controllable or safely repeatable method.  

This is a great thing for this woman.  It may help in the fight against HIV.  It won't provide a cure enmasse.   It shouldn't being touted as such.  IMO, these articles are cruel & reckless.  Maybe something will come of this someday.  For now, it's just a case of someone getting a bit of luck in a bad situation.  That's all.  


Saturday, February 19, 2022



I read fairly often stating this or that is needed for the  fight against HIV due to Race/Culture/Gender issues.  I somewhat call BS on most of that.  They often refer to things as telemedicine, at-home testing & mail order meds.   

They say these help people in racial & gender minorities or those living in restrictive cultures.   That may be so.  But it isn't because a person is not White that these things a beneficial.  These are socio-cultural matters.  What's happening here is that telemedicine & processes that can be handled remotely feel safer & more accessible.

This isn't so much a matter of type as it is of shame, poverty & lack of access.  These other methods work better because they can often circumvent those things.  Stigma/shame are things that aren't going  away, if telemedicine can help, that's great.   However, there is still an access problem for a lot of people in remote areas.

A person's health is a private matter.  If there is a way to better maintain anonymity than by all means use it.  If there are more secure means of accessing doctors, healthcare & meds, then they should be promoted.  Health professionals aren't going to change cultures.  But they can do end-runs around them & maybe bypass some of these issues.  HIV has never been just a medical issue.


Friday, February 18, 2022



There's a fair amount of frustration for me at the moment.  Things need to get handled at some  point that are probably going to be more of an issue than they should be.  The weather isn't being my friend.  It's cold out, but at least the sun's shining.   It looks like another up-down cycle for temps is coming next week.  That'll be just awesome for us, sarcasm intended. 

Adding to this, the mail is screwing with my bills.  I'm going to have to find another way to handle them.  I hate it when things make me alter my methods, just because they decide to be faulty.   I rarely go back to what I was doing before.  This has happened a lot this last year or so.  I had to change where I got insurance & where I by my cat meds.   

That's all for now.  Take care.


Thursday, February 17, 2022

Gloomy Return...


The gloom has returned.  It made the trip to the dentist yesterday fairly unpleasant.   It's doing me no favors this morning.  We've had rain & a lot of wind since yesterday.  It's supposed to be ending soon.   We didn't get it nearly as bad as some areas.

The dental cleaning went well.  The trip wasn't bad, it was just very overcast with weird light.  That's done for a while.  My next appointment is on Monday with my primary for a  regular check-in.  

That's all  for now, take care.


Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Another Case...


This article & many others provided details about a woman who has become the 3rd person to be cured of HIV.  It had to do with a transplant due to leukemia.  The articles are basically the same with different levels of jargon.  This is still early, so it's going to be in the news for some time.  

I have a dental cleaning appointment, so I need  to  get about.  Take care.


Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Stuff To Do...


Brief post this morning.  I need to get around.  I have to get labs drawn this morning.  Oh joy, getting stuck by another needle.  Then we have some errands to handle.  I'm not sure how long this will take.

More tomorrow, take care.


PS -  normally, I'd tell you to enjoy the after-holiday, cheap chocolate, but apparently that won't be a thing this year.  It was  mostly gone yesterday.

Monday, February 14, 2022

Plans For...


We have things to handle this week.  On top of regular stuff, we both have appointments & I need to get some labs drawn.  We also need to start looking for new  seating.  Our couch is decades old & is sinking to the point of being uncomfortable.   So starts the hunt for a new sofa.  

It's bright this morning & going to warm up some.  Too bad Wednesday is supposed to bring us some foul weather & chill things down again.  These up & downs are what's hard on people.   But we still have another month or so of Winter.   About the same time we have before Daylight Saving Time starts again.

Winter isn't fun.  Take care.


Sunday, February 13, 2022

3 Years Out...


On February 13, 2019  I had a stroke.   This is the 1st post I did after.  I had what they referred to  as a vascular malformation, microvascular bleed or  hemorrhagic stroke.  They didn't tell me much in the ways of avoiding another incident other than managing my blood pressure.  They were never sure if a blood  pressure spike caused the stroke or the other way around.  Either way I got a helicopter flight to Tulsa & stayed for a couple days until my roomie came & got me.

This is my stroke-aversary.  I'll probably never be 100% like I was.  A lot of that could be from a bad reaction to some preventative statin meds the doctor had me try.   The issue with the statins seemed worse than the stroke.

Oh well, that's my time down memory lane.  Take care.


Saturday, February 12, 2022

Well, OK Then, Cold...


It's not as bright this morning & the weekend is going to be cold, overnights in the low 20s.  Looks like next weekend is going to do the same.  I know it's February, but I'm sick of the cold.  Today would've been my mother's birthday.  She was born on the same day as Lincoln.  When I was little, both Lincoln & Washington's birthdays were on the Calendar, now there's just President's Day.  

There are constantly articles about disparities between the medical situations of the mainstream population & other groups, especially those based on ethnicity, race, religion, ideology or socioeconomic class.  For some poor people, medical attention may be difficult to access or afford.  For the rest, it's something else.

Most often these articles refer to Black people.  I'm sure they have their reasons for avoiding conversations or treatment for HIV, COVID & other things.  The point is, it doesn't matter.  Without education, prevention, conversation & treatment these people are going to continue to be disproportionately affected by these illnesses.  There's nothing anyone outside  this community can do about it.  At this point, this is their fight.

That's all for no, take care.


Friday, February 11, 2022

Up Down...


I didn't find any articles & I need get moving so we can go shopping.  Maybe it'll go better than it has the last couple of times.  It's going to be warm today & then drop down for the weekend.  Next week looks the same, warm weekdays & chilly weekend.

That's all for now, take care.


Thursday, February 10, 2022

Warm Normal Day...


Another not much article morning.  There were several about Prince Harry stating he plans on continuing his mother's work with HIV.  Other than that, articles were MIA.

It's bright & warmer this morning.  I know we'll have  more cold & grey days, but I'll enjoy them while they're here.  Trash is back on it's normal schedule after the ice issues last  week.  For  now, it's  nice.

That's it for now, take care.


Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Testing The Waters...


It's odd, at 1st I notice an article on a single, possibly not so reliable site, then within a day or so boom, every place has the same info.  It's seems more viable sites are letting sketchier places test the waters  for them.  Using them for cannon fodder.  

This happens a lot.  The most current time was when I posted about  The Independent & Metro having pieces stating Straights are testing positive for HIV more  frequently than Gays/Bi's.  This morning that same info is on more "reliable" sites.

I'm not sure if they threw the 1st places to the sharks or if they were waiting for more verification.  Either way, this is fairly common.  So if you read a piece that leaves you wondering, wait a fews days & see how it goes.  You'll probably find it again on other venues.

Take care.


Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Not Much Morning...


There's nothing much going on here this morning.  For the moment we're caught up on things.  Trash finally got picked up yesterday after the ice issues.  Today is warmer & bright.  I'm happy for that.  It  might be get colder again, it's February, I just hope it doesn't get  frigid.  

I try to look for the good side of these things.  But, this Winter has been rougher on me.  Even after all the frigid temps & ice, I still see greenery in the yard.  I killed a blasted fly yesterday.   Winter's almost killing me off, but the grass & bugs are just fine.  Aim better.

Take care.


Monday, February 7, 2022

Not Great Sources...


I found some interesting info this morning.  Weirdly,  both sources are fairly tabloidish.   The Independent & the UK's MetroThe Independent has a paywall after  the 1st paragraph.  The gist is that for the 1st time in over a decade, heterosexuals are testing positive for HIV more often than Gays or bisexuals.    

The Metro Piece is anecdotal.  Both have only the 1 point of Straights were testing positive more often than Gays/Bi's.  However there are personal points in the 2nd article.

What does this mean?  It could mean a lot or nothing.  It could mean less Gays got tested.  It could mean  Gays & Bi's are more HIV literate & are taking precautions.  Only research can answer those questions.  Still, the numbers are interesting.  

Take care.


Sunday, February 6, 2022

Getting Warmer...


Things seem to be warming up slowly.  By Tuesday, most overnight temps  will only dip into the low 30s, not the low teens.   We'll still need  to  leave the faucets dripping & have heaters on but it's a lot better than 20 degrees colder.

It's bright this morning.  I'm hoping with that & the warming temps I'll start feeling a bit better.  I was  wasn't  intended for Winter.  

We managed to run some errands yesterday.  The 1st of the month stuff will finish up more on Monday.  It's a little later than normal, it'll have to do.

That's all for now.  Take care.


Saturday, February 5, 2022

VB Variant....


There are a lot of articles out at covering a  newer development in HIV.  This piece seemed the most direct.  If you'd like others, Google, "VB variant."  That variant is the topic of this work.

This study was from northern Europe.  They have found a new, more aggressive variant of HIV.  This particular strain may have been around for a while, but seems to be getting a foothold.  The thing that stands out about this variant is it's virulence.  If left untreated,  it advances much faster.  It can be at an advanced stage in months instead of years in  previously healthy person.  So far, standard HIV protocols  & treatments are handling it.

Be aware of the new developments in HIV.  Get tested, get treatment.  Take care.


Friday, February 4, 2022

Next Day, ICK...


We had a little snow off & on all day, maybe a little over an inch. The snow wasn't  the problem, it was the cold.  It's still cold & supposed to stay that way today. Then there was the blasted drear.  Yesterday was rough.  At least it's bright so far today.

The weather messed up our trash service.  I don't when it will actually run.  It's also hitching up my blood pressure.   Mine is drastically affected by  ambient temperature.  It's up during the cold & down when it's hot.  I wasn't built for cold weather.

Again, I hate Winter.  Take care, stay safe.  


Thursday, February 3, 2022

Frosted Morning...


It started freeze pissing last night.  It wasn't sleet, snow or really frozen rain, it was nature taking a light tinkle of frozen crap.  It looks like it snowed a little last night, but not nearly as much as they expected.  I don't even think it's snow, I think it's just itty bits of ice.  I tried to brush of the steps, but it was a solid piece of bumpy, frozen sleet.

I can still see grass through most of it, so it's an an inch or so deep at most.  It's supposed to keep this up all day.  I can occasionally hear it tap against the windows.  Snow doesn't generally tap when it hits glass.   I'm not sure we've had any snow yet.

It's an inside day for us.  Here's hoping this doesn't get any worse.  Take  care.


Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Wall of Winter & Australia...


I found this piece over Australia's history of handling HIV/AIDS.  It tells how they might be the 1st place in the world to eliminate the virus.   It's a good read.

OK, for the not so good.  The forecast is calling for Winter everything to land on our doorstep tonight & throughout  tomorrow.  The temps are dropping & we're expecting everything in the wintry mix category.   Here's hoping most of it  stays north of us & it isn't too severe.  

We're going to do so errands early, just in case.  That's about it for now. Take care.


Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Hello February, HIV Travel & Vaccine...


It's February & the month may start off with a Wintry storm.  Have to  wait  & see how bad it'll be.   Way to start February,  already messing with us.

I found 2 pieces, the 1st article is about how distance & travel are detriments to HIV treatment.  The piece focuses on the Southern US.  The next article is about Moderna's HIV vaccine.  The clinical trials have  started in the US.  Now we wait  & see.

OK February,  we don't need an Winter hell, so send it somewhere else.  Take care.
