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Saturday, February 13, 2021

Different Morning, Same Grey & Stroke-aversary...


My active despisement of Winter only gets worse as days like this continue.  Last night was the 1st night this year we had to leave both stoves on all night.  It's a little warmer, but my breathing is rough.   I'll leave them on until I shower, but then they need to be off for a while.

Tomorrow & Monday could be big snow days.  We're going shopping a day early, just in case.  We got a tarp to put on the car.  It won't cover all of it, but should be enough to make sure we can get the door open.  This crap could continue all week, that'd suck.

Today is the anniversary of my stroke.  It's been 2 years since then & I made it throughout 2020 without any hospital stays.  Yay me!  So far, so good.  I'm not 100% post stroke, but doing pretty good considering.  

Take care.


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