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Thursday, February 18, 2021

A Bastard Died...


Rush Limbaugh passed yesterday.  This piece is gay man's reaction to the news of the man who hated HIV+ people dying.  Mark Twain is often credited with a quote that came from Clarence Darrow's, 1932 The Story of My Life.  

All men have an emotion to kill; when they strongly dislike some one they involuntarily wish he was dead. I have never killed any one, but I have read some obituary notices with great satisfaction.

Limbaugh was a horrible man who spat hate against anyone he could sell it about.  He targeted gays, teens, HIV+ people... anyone slightly outside the conservative scope.  He celebrated the deaths of those who passed from HIV.  

This man was vile & I felt a very real satisfaction at knowing he was no longer able to cause harm.  My biggest problem with him is, I'm not even sure he believed it.  Part of me will always believe he was just selling snake oil his debased audience.   He was a hatemonger & a profiteer. 

So raise a glass, the bastard is dead.  He had no decorum or care for anyone else's passing.  He should get none in the end.


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