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Sunday, February 28, 2021

Monthly Farewell...


February is ending & it was a bit hellish.  It  brought bad weather & stress.  I guess bad weather is a given, considering it's Winter.  Still, this year seemed a bit excessive.  

It did allow for some headway to be made for us.  We're getting appointments made for early March.  We'll get our 1st COVID shot this upcoming week.  Bills will be dealt with early.  So, it'll be busy, but then things will be mostly handled.

Goodbye February,  try to leave the icy hell at home next year.  Take care.


Saturday, February 27, 2021

Wrap Up & Plans...


Woke to a very foggy morning.  I can just now see across the street.  February is wrapping up.  We have the bills handled & have paid next month's gas bill.  We managed to get on the list  to get vaccinated for COVID.

Next week will be busy.  It'll be shopping, beginning of month stuff, both of us have doctor's appointments & then we will also be vaccinated.  That's a lot in a week for us.  Especially, if you consider how little we've done this last  year.

That's all for now,  take care.


Friday, February 26, 2021

The Law...


Some  states are  moving to decriminalize the knowing transmission of HIV or having sex with someone with revealing your HIV+ status.  I don't support that.  

Hear me out.  I don't think HIV should be singled out.  I think if you knowingly expose someone to any serious illness without informing them, it should be considered assault with a biological agent.  If the other person is  denied the right to avoid the situation or to remove themselves, then their rights were violated.   Any action knowingly endangering others without their consent should be illegal.

That's my 2¢ on the matter. Take care.


Thursday, February 25, 2021

Brighter Morning...


Not much going on here as the month winds down. We've had warmer weather & it's been nice. A groundhog crossed our yard yesterday.  It's odd to see a woodchuck in real life & not just pics.  We've handled the monthly stuff & already started on next  month's.  I have a rescheduled appointment on the 1st.  Unless something comes up, shopping is our biggie for the rest of the month.

Take care.


Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Little Late...


I woke  a  little late & was pretty dehydrated.  We're going between cold & cool.  That means my bedding will be changing soon.  I was a little chilly when I went to bed last night.  Halfway through, it was almost  too  warm.  I don't know who is this way, but my sleep is very differently during warmer weather.  Right now, my body's trying to figure to zig or zag. I overslept a bit & we have things to do, so this is it for now.


Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Seriously, WTF...


Less than a week ago, we had overnights in the negatives & couldn't break 20F.   Yesterday, it got warmer.  Today could be in the 70s, with an overnight in the 50s.  That's a 50 degree jump.  Damn weather, how about a second to catch a breath.  Add to that, the trees are dumping pollen like crazy.  It's the most unwanted of Winter & Spring.  Everything needs to calm down a bit.

I know, I'm never happy.  But couldn't anything just smoothly blend into the next thing.  Not everything has to be so abrupt.  Take care.


Monday, February 22, 2021



This year has been a lot of waiting.  Waiting for people to take COVID seriously & get it a handle on it.  Waiting for people to stop being such idiots during the situation.  Waiting through the election drama.  Waiting through weather fallout.  

Now, we're waiting for a vaccine. We got notified we could make an appointment, but all the slots were closed.  Between limited resources & the crap weather, everything is running behind.  We'll get the vaccine when we can.  It may take a while.  Until then,  more waiting & life as it has been for the last year.  

Take care.


Sunday, February 21, 2021



There are still lots of weather related issues going on in my area & south of us.  However, it is getting warmer.  Most the snow has melted off.  We hit 51 yesterday.  Today won't as warm & it could rain.  But, there are only a few nights left with temps forecasted to be below freezing.  So, dripping faucet season may be over soon.  YAY!  Last night we were warm enough to turn off the stoves. My breathing needed the break. 

We can't control the weather.  But most of the serious fallout of this situation was due to horrible management of the infrastructure & systems by greedy conservatives.  Their politics cost a lives, trauma & billions in damage.  

There are still no articles to speak of, so this is it for now.  Take care.


Saturday, February 20, 2021



Short post.   This week has been nothing but issues.  The second a problem gets fixed, another pops up.  Unfortunately, there's little me & mine can do about outages with the gas,  electric & water.   They seem to be getting better & it's warming up a bit. Maybe this will be behind us soon.  For now, it's rather taxing.  At least I managed to get my telemedicine appointment rescheduled.  

Take Care.


Friday, February 19, 2021

Tired Of It...


I'm tired of this last year & all those idiots that made it worse than it had to be.  I hate the way people at all levels handled COVID-19.  We could have been out of this by now, if there'd been proper management & standards set in the beginning.

Now this Winter hell is here.  During COVID there were shortages at the store.  Those were nothing compared to what I saw my last trip to the store.  There have been warnings & issues from the electric & gas companies.   There were outages & shutdowns.  Now there are water issues.  We've had crappy water pressure for days & we've been warned we could run out if people don't conserve.   If that happens, beyond the very real inconvenience, pipes could be damaged.

I hate this last year & this Winter.  Mostly I despise it because of how stupid, selfish & uncooperative  so many people have been.  With proper management 2020 wouldn't have been pleasant, but it could've been handled.  With proper  standards, our utilities & infrastructure wouldn't be such a crap show at the moment.  There were outside factors, but they could've been handled.  All it would've taken was people pulling their heads out.


Thursday, February 18, 2021

A Bastard Died...


Rush Limbaugh passed yesterday.  This piece is gay man's reaction to the news of the man who hated HIV+ people dying.  Mark Twain is often credited with a quote that came from Clarence Darrow's, 1932 The Story of My Life.  

All men have an emotion to kill; when they strongly dislike some one they involuntarily wish he was dead. I have never killed any one, but I have read some obituary notices with great satisfaction.

Limbaugh was a horrible man who spat hate against anyone he could sell it about.  He targeted gays, teens, HIV+ people... anyone slightly outside the conservative scope.  He celebrated the deaths of those who passed from HIV.  

This man was vile & I felt a very real satisfaction at knowing he was no longer able to cause harm.  My biggest problem with him is, I'm not even sure he believed it.  Part of me will always believe he was just selling snake oil his debased audience.   He was a hatemonger & a profiteer. 

So raise a glass, the bastard is dead.  He had no decorum or care for anyone else's passing.  He should get none in the end.


Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Snowy Cold BS Weather...


I woke to 18 degrees, which is 20 degrees warmer than our low yesterday.  It's greyish white outside.  Hopefully, it'll get brighter & melt some snow.  It doesn't look to be above freezing until Friday.  2 days seems like a long time, right now.

My telemedicine appointment got cancelled.  I'm not sure when it'll be rescheduled.  I'll try not to freeze when I shower in a bit.  I'll also try not to freeze when I take the trash to the curb.   I need to go check the mail, but I don't know if that's happening. I've been starting the cars in the morning, to make sure they keep going.  I put that off until trash time today.  No sense in multiple trips into that yick.

Take care & stay safe.


Tuesday, February 16, 2021

F@*% Suddenlink...


We didn't have  internet yesterday morning.  It died again last night & just came back past 6 PM today.  No one would answer & give  a timeline on things.  This is it for this post.  The net will probably die  again.  As usual Suddenlink sucks.

Take care.


Monday, February 15, 2021

Short Late Post...


I woke to 5 degrees & it's not supposed to  get  much warmer.   The internet went out almost immediately after I got around & was out for hours.   This is getting posted in case it goes  out again.   It snowed about 5"  & looks to do more today & later in the week.  This is the most snow this area's seen in years.  

To sum up: it's  frigid, white & awful.  Hopefully the net stays on & this weather moves out soon.  Stay warm & take care.


Sunday, February 14, 2021

Hurried White Morning...


Woke to a white Valentines.  I guess the Christmastime request got lost in the mail & this belated.   It's snowing & stupidly cold.  Add to that, we're going shopping to avoid any worse of a weather situation tomorrow morning.  It's a good plan.  I'm just mildly hating it at the moment.  Tomorrow me will thank Today me.

The orange ass was acquitted again.  I wish the absolute worst on all those who helped that bastard.  May they all get a pox of black rot on their hands & faces.  That way everyone can know what they did.  

That's all for now.  Happy Valentines.  Take care & stay safe.  


Saturday, February 13, 2021

Different Morning, Same Grey & Stroke-aversary...


My active despisement of Winter only gets worse as days like this continue.  Last night was the 1st night this year we had to leave both stoves on all night.  It's a little warmer, but my breathing is rough.   I'll leave them on until I shower, but then they need to be off for a while.

Tomorrow & Monday could be big snow days.  We're going shopping a day early, just in case.  We got a tarp to put on the car.  It won't cover all of it, but should be enough to make sure we can get the door open.  This crap could continue all week, that'd suck.

Today is the anniversary of my stroke.  It's been 2 years since then & I made it throughout 2020 without any hospital stays.  Yay me!  So far, so good.  I'm not 100% post stroke, but doing pretty good considering.  

Take care.


Friday, February 12, 2021

BS Frigid...


This blog may stay a bit  weather gripey for the next week or until these frigid temps  leave.  For anyone out there about to tell me my temps aren't that cold, I wish a hell Summer on your area.  Then I can tell you, it's not that hot.   There will be more cold, excessively so.  There may be boatloads of snow.  There could be a lot of weather related crap coming.  The forecasts are only clear on the cold.  

I have a telemedicine appointment next week.  I don't know if that will meet or not.  I'll call the day before to check in on it.  OK, my fingers are hating this cold keyboard, so that's all for now.


Thursday, February 11, 2021

Bad Morning, Short Post...


This post is late.  It was not a good morning.  It's still cold & grey.    The internet was out for hours.  When I went to start the car, the doors were frozen shut.  It tooks hours for to fix that.  Again, this was not  a good morning.

More tomorrow, take care.


Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Cold Greyness...


It's chilly this morning.  It never really made it over freeing yesterday & may not for the rest of the week.  Winter has finally arrived.  OK, you can leave now.  I don't want what you're selling.  Next season please.

I guess most people are  too  focused  on the 2nd impeachment to  post articles.  Things are slowly returning to normal post the former orangness. Maybe articles will get  there too eventually.


Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Pops Of Color...


It's a very grey morning & we're heading into a cold week.  Occasionally the birds are providing little pops of color in the drear.   The cardinals, jays, finches & robins are the palette for today.   The other little birds are mostly greys & browns.  They look like shadow work in the yard.  

It wasn't a successful article day.  Most were rehash & repeat.  If not, they were too theoretical to post about. I'll be glad when this month is behind us.  I hate Winter.


Monday, February 8, 2021

Meh Monday Morning....


This morning is meh right now.  It  could be a lot worse, but it could also be better.  It could be brighter & that'd help a lot.   But that doesn't look likely to happen.  I thought with a new president articles might pick up.  Maybe everyone is a recovery mode & things will pick up in a bit.

We need to  go shopping, so this is it.   Take care & stay sane in all this grayness.


Sunday, February 7, 2021

Getting Cold...


It's not going to be warm today, but the rest of the  could get downright frigid.  The forecast keeps changing, but we could have 1 - 4 days not getting over freezing.  I hate that.  We don't need that level of cold.  Well at least I don't.  

We had a couple hours of snow yesterday.  It didn't stick, but there were huge flakes.  The heaters are getting to me.  I had a couple of small nosebleeds yesterday from my sinuses drying out.   Winter's hardest choice, breathing or being warm.

That's all for now, take care.


Saturday, February 6, 2021

NSU, Cherokee County & HIV...


I've seen this mentioned before.  I was hoping the topic of this piece would get a bit more clarification before I posted.   That doesn't seem likely, so here it is.

Cherokee County Health Services Council is enlisting the help of the Northeastern State University Police Department and other partners as it combats the spread of HIV/AIDS in rural communities.

This will cover  the tri-county area;  Cherokee, Adair & Delaware counties.   Albeit, not specifically targeted, this will include part of the Cherokee Nation.  There has been an uptick in HIV cases in this area over the last  5 years.  This project will look into that & strengthen the current efforts to fight the virus.

That's all for now.  Give it  a read, it's interesting to find  something so close to me.




This post is a placeholder.  Apparently Blogger ate the post I did yesterday & I can't find the same article at the moment.  Maybe I'll find it again.  This is it for now.


Thursday, February 4, 2021

Nothing Much...


Another short post.  I didn't see anything new in the articles.  I woke to a bright morning that quickly turned overcast.  This upcoming week is supposed to be cold.  I  hope not too badly.  We don't super cold, just enough to kill some bugs & weeds.

Take care.


Wednesday, February 3, 2021

February Start...


Short post this morning.  I didn't find any applicable articles.  We'll be heading out in a bit to handle 1st of the month stuff.  I still need a shower before then, so this will be brief.  It's a sunny morning, but the next week is supposed to chill down a lot.  We need it, but I'm not at all enthused at the idea.

Take care.


Tuesday, February 2, 2021



It's Groundhog Day, AKA Imbolc & Candlemas.  They're predictors of Spring.  It doesn't look good this morning.  The forecast calls for the next couple of days to be warmer.  Then, a week of some of the coldest temps we've had this year. 

Oh well, we're not even quite halfway through Winter.  It's supposed to cold.  I just don't like it.  So bundle up, it could get nasty for some.  

Take care.


Monday, February 1, 2021

February 2021...


It's a new month, hello February.  Here's hoping for the best.  I have to check on getting some lab work for a mid month, telemedicine appointment.   This week will be a bit busy with bills stuff.  Other than that, I cant think of much on our schedule.

Take care & a good February to you.
