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Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Wrapping Up the Month...

June is winding down & we've finished our monthly business.  We've already started on some of July's.  Our gas bill always shows up way early.   With any luck, we won't have any big rains over the next several days & we can end June on a less-soaked note.

I called to check on my July telemedicine appointment.  Wires got crossed somewhere, because the appointment is actually in mid August.  This helps & hinders.  I have a specialist appointment the 1st of July & bills to handle. So fitting more stuff in would've been difficult.   But, I don't know what August will have in it, so this move, might be as awkward.  We'll see.  

I saw my 1st dragonfly up close yesterday.  Summer is here.  Take care.


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