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Saturday, June 15, 2019

Trying The Now...

Weatherwise, we've been in a good place over the last week.  That may be coming to an end.  The forecast shows serious rain chances for the week.  I don't mind the rain.  I dislike the drear & how Oklahoma doesn't know how to just rain anymore.  Everything has to be a storm.  I hope it's just a bit of rain. 

In the now.  The tiger lilies are starting to bloom & our volunteer elephant ear has made it's 4th return.  It already has several leaves open.  We've had a lot of lightning bugs, more than usual for us.  We've had fewer mockingbirds so far, but a lot of cardinals.  There's also been an abundance of brown thrashers.  Strange, fairly aggressive, ground birds, that get a good size.  For now the yard has stayed mostly fire ant free.

Trying to stay in a good place & not care too much about the impending rain.  Take care.


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