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Sunday, June 30, 2019

Goodbye June...

It's the last day of June, half of 2019 is gone.  June wasn't a bad month, but not quite a good time either.  It was fairly middle of the road.  I guess that's better than being sucktastic. The worst thing about this month was the uncertainty in the air.  I'm not even entirely sure about what. 

I have an appointment with the neurologist on the 3rd.  I knew it was then, but for some reason, it seemed farther off.   I'm not particularly dreading it, I just thought there was more of June left.   Short months throw me sometimes. 

So goodbye June.  Until next year.  


Saturday, June 29, 2019

Humidity Is Not your Friend...

On low humidity days, this old house with its windows & high ceilings can stay relatively livable up until about 95 F.  Fans will generally do enough.  However, on days when the humidity is high, even the upper 80s can feel oppressive.

We've had the AC on a bit, but we haven't reached 95 here yet.   The highest has been 92, but the overnight humidity levels have been 90% or higher.  55% + has been our lowest during the day.   This morning it's 77 with 97% humidity.  It feels like I'm covered in muggy wool.  Humidity can do you in faster than just heat. Take care & stay as cool as you can.

The revelation of how few people have been tested for HIV is rampaging through the articles & news.  That's mostly what I saw this morning.  Too bad the shock won't lead to much.


Friday, June 28, 2019

Never Tested...

This article seemed appropriate after yesterday being the National HIV Testing Day.  It's from & over the fact most Americans have never been tested for HIV.  In 30+ years, it's estimated at most 40% of the population has been tested for the virus.  In many areas, especially high-risk populations, the percentage drops even lower. 

In this day, after all these decades & that many people have never been tested.  Tell me again how safe you feel.  Get tested.  Protect yourself.  


PS - On a high note, the remaining crepe myrtles are showing blooms.

Thursday, June 27, 2019

National HIV Testing Day...

National HIV testing day is back.  Not much to say.  I've blogged a lot about the importance of testing.  If you haven't been tested lately, find a place near you & get it done.  Knowing your status is an important step in fighting HIV.


Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Good Morning...

It's a bright morning.  It makes waking up much easier.  Except for the cat who wants to lounge on the edge while I'm making the bed.  She's as happy about sunny mornings as I am. 

There doesn't seem to be much in the way of articles lately.  I'll keep looking.  Dry spells happen.  Hopefully it won't last long.

My father called yesterday.  He doesn't do that often.  His calls never last long.  He doesn't care to be on the phone.  I'm not sure if he just doesn't like it or if he's worried I might have something else to do.   He has issues with his breathing, so that may add to the brevity. 

Not much else going on at the moment.  Take care. 

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Wrapping Up the Month...

June is winding down & we've finished our monthly business.  We've already started on some of July's.  Our gas bill always shows up way early.   With any luck, we won't have any big rains over the next several days & we can end June on a less-soaked note.

I called to check on my July telemedicine appointment.  Wires got crossed somewhere, because the appointment is actually in mid August.  This helps & hinders.  I have a specialist appointment the 1st of July & bills to handle. So fitting more stuff in would've been difficult.   But, I don't know what August will have in it, so this move, might be as awkward.  We'll see.  

I saw my 1st dragonfly up close yesterday.  Summer is here.  Take care.


Monday, June 24, 2019

Lots Of Rain...

Over the past 2 days, it's rained 3 - 5" of rain depending on the site you check.  I'm leaning towards the larger number.  It rained quite a bit the day before & almost all day yesterday.  With a lot of that being very heavy rain.  There's warnings of floods.  At least 1 local woman died in a flooded creek.  They think she drove into water during a flash flood.  She may not have been able to see it in the rain.  We were already past our monthly rain average, now add several inches to that.

The front crepe myrtle is blooming.  Odd, it's usually the last to flower.  Its buds are the color of bubble gum.  I either saw a very fast finch yesterday or my 1st hummingbird of the year.

Take care, be safe near water.  


Sunday, June 23, 2019

Blog-Exhaustion & Rain....

We got some rain in the last 24 hours, over 1.5". Luckily, it was  throughout the afternoon & the night.   We're under more flood watches.  That'll make people sleep well.  Possibilities or thunderstorms fill the rest of June's forecast. 

For a bit now, I've noticed some blogs I follow are in decline.  This happens from time to time.  Especially if the blog is more personal.  It's part of blog culture.  But, a lot of these are semi-professional to massive follower, colossal beast blogs.  Maybe they're just hitting a dry spell.  But, it used to be when I looked at my blogs in the morning, there'd be a couple dozen pieces to read.  Now, I'm lucky if there's 2 or 3.

I hope blogs aren't dying off.   I'd rather not have to chase all these writers across the net.  The blog format was easy to gather & put in place like a morning paper.  I'm not really into instagram & twitter isn't a good replacement.  Facebook won't work either.  There,  too many idiots go into rage mode. Maybe people are done sharing for a while.  I hope not.

Take care.


Saturday, June 22, 2019

Bright Morning...

It's a bright morning & the birds are really singing.  The tiger lilie's are vivid orange.  It's a fairly good morning.  We handled what we needed to yesterday & it got hot.  It was the 1st day we completely closed up the house for the AC.   It's supposed to be about the same today.  Oh well, it's Summer.

That's all for now, take care.


Friday, June 21, 2019


From yesterday until about Tuesday we are in Midsummer, heed your dreams & adventures.   Today is the official solstice, so welcome Summer.  Some call this Litha.  Some say on this longest day, the old ways are at their strongest.  The Oak King is his most powerful, but his challenger, the Holly King, has now risen & will reign over the dark of the year.

Whatever your practices, if any, have a good Midsummer.  Stay cool.  Take care.


Thursday, June 20, 2019

Can't Make Them...

There are a lot of articles about the stigma of HIV.   Authors try to make you aware of it.  They try to stop or lessen it.  They want you to be human.  Good luck with that.

It's unlikely the stigma of HIV will ever go away.   It hasn't for being Gay.  Why else is the closet still so full?  In our culture, if it's not WASPish, middle class & male, there's stigma.  What makes being HIV+ so special?  Nothing.  

You can't legislate, demand or cajole people into being nice.  If they are opposed to you, the best you can hope for is that they don't act on it a destructive manner.  But, their feelings, their opinions are just that, theirs.  You don't control them.

Stigma will always be there.  It will wane for some things while waxing for others.   A lot of people need something to hate. Welcome to life.


Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Resolution For Now...

Some good news.  My insurance called & confirmed my hospital bill has been handled.  Both parties made errors that needed resolved.  That part of it is taken care of, now for the rest of it.  These bills never come as a single item.  Every party has to have their due, even if it was all through the hospital. 

With that, I'm good for a bit.  Take care.


Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Hospital Issue...

Got a bill from the hospital for the stroke.  I called people, because I thought it was off.  Seems I was right.  I had to call their billing office & my insurance twice, but they say it's handled.  I hope so, but we'll see.  For a lot of people, the worst part of going to the hospital comes after, when they get a bill they can't handle.  Tell me again, we don't need a better way to handle medicine in the US.


Monday, June 17, 2019

Safe & Protected...

Safety & protection has been the push for using  PrEP.  But, is that really true?.  OK,  for sake of argument, let's say PrEP works exactly like it's supposed to 100% of the time, no failures.  Great, you've protected yourself from HIV.  BTW, your wallet's going to need protection as well.  Because PrEP is $$$.

But unlike condoms, these meds do nothing to protect you from other STI's or pregnancy.  What about feeling safe & protected?  Yeah, that was just a pitch.  What it means for some is that for whatever reason they want to have sex without condoms. 

Until recently it was rare to see professionals or pharm reps  talk about the important of condoms.  These people have recognized the need for condoms, use them.  If not, all you're saying is you just can't be bothered with safety & protection for you or your partner.  


Sunday, June 16, 2019

None Yet...

It was supposed to rain last night, it didn't.   It'll probably do so soon though.  It needs to do something or move out of here.  The humidity has been fairly rough on us.  I hate how it makes parts of me feel post-stroke.   So far, it's not quite pain most the time, but it certainly isn't comfortable. 

Other than waiting for the weather to make up its mind, there isn't much going on here today.  I'm pretty grateful for that.  Neither of us really feel up to handling much at the moment.

That's all for now.  Take care.


Saturday, June 15, 2019

Trying The Now...

Weatherwise, we've been in a good place over the last week.  That may be coming to an end.  The forecast shows serious rain chances for the week.  I don't mind the rain.  I dislike the drear & how Oklahoma doesn't know how to just rain anymore.  Everything has to be a storm.  I hope it's just a bit of rain. 

In the now.  The tiger lilies are starting to bloom & our volunteer elephant ear has made it's 4th return.  It already has several leaves open.  We've had a lot of lightning bugs, more than usual for us.  We've had fewer mockingbirds so far, but a lot of cardinals.  There's also been an abundance of brown thrashers.  Strange, fairly aggressive, ground birds, that get a good size.  For now the yard has stayed mostly fire ant free.

Trying to stay in a good place & not care too much about the impending rain.  Take care.


Friday, June 14, 2019

Trying Not To...

We had stuff to handle 3 days of this week.  I was hoping not to be bothered on the other 2.  I, at least, wanted smooth mornings.  That wasn't to be.  Dogs & asshat neighbors woke me early both mornings.  Then both free days were crapped on by Microsoft & their incessant need to push pissy updates.  The 1st was a normal update that for some reason took forever & slowed my system for over an hour.  I played catch up the rest of the day.  The next day it was massive Windows F'ery with a blasted feature update that took nearly 6 hours for my system & about half that for my roomie's.  

So my free mornings were shot by assholery & I'm trying not to let it get to me too much.  I hate the big updates.  There's always a chance they'll uttery screw your system.    This time, it only seems to be fighting with 1 of programs.  At least that's all I've found so far.  I hate these updates.

I've got go shopping, so that's it for now.  Take care.


Thursday, June 13, 2019

Short Due To Windows...

Today's post has been curtailed by a Windows Feature Update.  I have no idea how long this take.  They usually take me quite some time.  I hate these things. More tomorrow.


Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Op or News...

Articles are moving becoming scarce again.  Rehash & opinion remains abundant.    I wish people would learn the difference between actual news & just opinion/editorial.  I'm interested in real, factual incidents/actions, not someone's reaction to events or opinion about how things are or should be.

I'm sure your opinion is great & all, but I could mostly care less.  I'm here for the news, not the YOU show.  It'd be nice if those running news shows or putting articles in feeds would learn the difference.  

Enough of that.  It looks to be another nice day here.  YAY!  That's about all for now. Take care.


Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Good Days...

We've had some nice days recently.  The rain has stopped & the skies have been bright.  The weather has been just warm enough & not too humid.    We've had some good days & some decent rest.   Everyone here needed that.  Getting to sleep & wake well does amazing things for me.  

I don't have much else to write about today.  I'll head out in a bit to pick up my roomie.  Other than that, I just have to check the mail & get a shower.  Take care.


PS - The Rose of Sharon bushed have been blooming for about a week.  I just keep forgetting them.

Monday, June 10, 2019


The Summer Solstice is 11 days away.  There only 10 days left in Spring 2019.  I'm ready for it to be on it's way.  It wasn't much of a Spring.  It was often more winterish than Winter was. The meteorologist have Summer start at the beginning of June.  If so, that was a really cool, wet start to the season.

OK, early 2019, you were rough passage for me & my.  So can the downside of the year, be smoother?  It'd be appreciated. 

That's about it for now, take care.


Sunday, June 9, 2019

Bright & Dryish...

Not much to write about this morning.  Article-land was fairly barren for my wants.   I will say I'm very happy for the 2nd day in a row to wake to clear skies & no signs of rain.  The humidity is still rough, but maybe things will dry out a bit as days pass without any major precipitation.  At least, I hope they will.

That's all for now, take care.


Saturday, June 8, 2019

No Rain...

I woke up to clear, if not the brightest, skies this morning.  I'll take it.  I tried to rain all day yesterday.  The humidity was 90%+ all day & even hit 100% later in the evening.  That was unpleasant.   It doesn't look as if we have any significant rain chances left in the immediate forecast.  Yay!

The humidity is still high & it's made me very stiff.  I hope it goes down soon.   I'm tired of the Frankenstein shuffle.   A friend is coming over later.  That's a rarity for us.  

That's all for now, take care.


Friday, June 7, 2019

Done For Now...

Yesterday's trip to Tulsa went well.  There was a lot of road work & a little rain.  Other than that, the whole thing went fairly easily.  Here's hoping they like this MRI.  I don't think I can be anymore still.  Afterwards, I made my next appointment with the neurologist & went for fast food Chinese.  

The next appointment is on July 3.  That'll mean another busy start of the month.  My roomie's trip to Fort Smith got rescheduled until Tuesday.  So, today is a recovery day, good.

That's all for now, take care.


Thursday, June 6, 2019

We're Off...

I don't have much time this morning.  We have to be on the road shortly to make my appointment in Tulsa.  I'm annoyed about this drive & the fact it'll probably rain the whole way.   I just want to get there, get it over & get home.  Then I have to make a return appointment to find out what the MRI said & what, if anything, will be done afterwards.  

That's all I know for now, take care.


Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Another Wednesday...

Another Wednesday is here.  That would normally just mean getting trash to the curb.  But this week, there's also an additional shopping trip & a run to finish bills.   I need to make sure I'm ready for tomorrow's trip to the specialist in Tulsa.  It'll probably rain the rest of the week.  I'm over rain for a while. 

Here's hoping today & tomorrow go well.  Take care.


Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Do Little...

Do little is the phrase of the day.  I have no intent on doing much today.  This will be the only day this week we don't have to be on or going out somewhere.  I plan on soaking it up.  

Yesterday was dreary & wet.  Weather channel says we barely got .5" rain.  Other sites had us just under 2".   We only need a little over 4" to meet the monthly average for June.  This is only the 4th, I think we'll make that average.  We have a lot more rain called for in the forecast.

I was happy to wake up to bright skies though.  I got to open up the house again.  This place is just easier to deal with when it's open.

Tomorrow will be more bill stuff & shopping.  Thursday will be Tulsa & Friday over to Fort Smith.  It's busy week for us.  Looking forward to Saturday already.


Monday, June 3, 2019

It Begins...

The business of the month is underway.  We'll handle some bill stuff this morning & the rest by Wednesday.  On Thursday, we have to drive to Tulsa so I can have an MRI.   Hopefully, they'll like this take.  I'm tired just thinking about this week.  We'll get through it, it just won't be fun.  It looks like the 1st half of the month intends on being wet.  The forecast has lots of rain in it. 

That's all for now, take care.


Sunday, June 2, 2019

Muggy Again...

June doesn't seem intent of playing nice.  Yesterday & this morning have been very muggy.  The yard got mowed.  That combined with the humidity is killing my breathing.  We're under the threat of more rain for the 1st part of the month.  That's great, considering we have to go to Tulsa.  Tomorrow we'll do bills, Tuesday might be a down day, Wednesday will early shopping.  On Thursday we go to Tulsa, only to go to Fort Smith the next day.  We'll get through it, but I think we'll probably just sleep next Saturday. That's a lot of stuff for us.

Take care & stay dry.


Saturday, June 1, 2019

June's Here...

June is here & the forecast calls for more rain, oh joy.  Hello June, try not to agitation-fest & I'll try to be happy with you.    The beginning of the month will be busy with bills, shopping &  doctor appointments.   I hope this doesn't tire us out too much.

That's all I know for now.  So, welcome June, be nice.
