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Wednesday, March 13, 2019

The 13th...

It'l be over a week long process before the car's issues will be completely resolved.  We have to wait for a  part, which won't be in until Monday.  Yay!  Hopefully that will end this.

It's already windy today & supposed to get worse.  Again, yay!   Articles are calling out Trump for his proposed budget for next year.  It would go completely against what he just said about his plans for HIV.  But, we all knew that was BS.

On the 13th of February, I went to the ER & wound up in an ICU in Tulsa via helicopter.   Not quite a full month, but close.  I'm still not back to what I was before the stroke.  I may never be.  My left side still has some sensation issues.  I'm  still getting weird bruising. (Which may have nothing to do with the stroke.)   My follow up MRI is set for the end of the month. I have an appointment with my primary in late April & in late May I see neuro.  Somewhere in there is a dental cleaning & I need to see the optometrist. That's a lot of medical visits.

That's all for now.


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