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Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Appointments, Articles & Updates....

I'm up hella early for me & my brain is only somewhat functional.   I have an doctor's appointment.  I hate going SO early, but it means less waiting when I get there.  I'll post about that appointment tomorrow.

I actually saw 2 articles this morning, wow.  The 1st piece was about monthly injections to replace daily regimens.  I've posted about this before, but those articles were in scholarly publications.   This actually made it into Rolling Stone.  The topic's going mainstream.

The 2nd piece, reiterates the importance of testing.  It's currently believed about 15% of people living with HIV in the United States are unaware they're +.  It's also thought, this population may be responsible for up to 40% of all new HIV transmissions in the US.  Get tested.

On to updates.  The car is home & seems to be working.  The freezer seems to be working.   We seem to have a plan for getting the lawn mowed this Summer.  There's an awful lot of seeming in that mess.  Hopefully, they hold true.  It'd certainly cut down on my stress if they did.

That's it for now, take care.


PS - Happy Spring

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