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Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Memo Received Maybe...

I think the weather finally got the memo that Spring is nearly here & is already here as far as the meteorologists are concerned.   For them Spring starts the 1st of March & the equinox is only 2 weeks away.   So pack it up Winter, your time is up.  We'll still get so chilly weather & have overnights in the 30's.  But few, if any, should be below freezing.  I'm tired of hearing the taps drip all night.  

That's about it for now.  All the articles are about the "cured" man from London.   At least a lot of professional pieces are trying to calm the mess down & explain the reality of the situation.   Not that most will listen.   People will probably try to figure out how to need/get the same procedure (transplant) that allegedly cured these 2 men.

Take care.


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