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Saturday, June 8, 2024

There's More Out There...


There's been a lot of talk & articles like this piece discussing the move away from condoms.   This is a choice made by people who think PrEP is the only thing they need.  Apparently, they forgot there are a lot of other STI's those meds don't treat.  Those range from the treatable to the forever, like herpes.  That fails to mention pregnancy. 

Because condoms take thought & effort, people have pulled away from their use.  There's a host of reasons from sensation to trust.  They only seem to worry about HIV.  They've gotten spoiled with PrEP.  Some even refuse any sex with a condom.  Condoms are viewed as outmoded & restraining.  Hell, the medical profession even changed from calling these illnesses from STD's to STI's because they thought the word infection was less stigmatizing than disease.  Can't offend anyone with reality, so lets try wordplay.

Condoms are cheap, easy & available.   They don't require a doctor.  If used properly, are as effective as nearly any other prevention besides abstinence.   There will never been safe sex, only safer.   But you do you & hope you don't catch something that used to be treatable & is now drug resistant.


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