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Sunday, June 16, 2024

Not 1...


I was hoping June would calm down.  I needed an easy morning after decent sleep.  I'm not getting either.  Little things keep happening & edging at my nerves.  I woke to crap noise outside & cats on the porch fussing.  I laid there just trying to rest.  Cause when I get up, I know the morning's going to be crap.  They almost always are anymore. 

I get up & the kitten has knocked a bunch of stuff over.  There's more BS outside.  I finally get to my computer & Iolo System Mechanic is trying to force a renewal on me for about $50.  I have to call those assholes & deal with their crap accents & shitty hard sales attempts.  I think it's cancelled.  If not I'll be calling my credit card. 

I'm spent.  I've been on the edge of breaking for years now.  But, it seems that something or someone always has more pressing needs & I can't deal with me.  I hate this.  I hate waking.  I hate just being here & it always being an unnerving crapfest.  The universe must hate me, it keeps having me wake up every morning.   Maybe if I could just let go, I wouldn't constantly feel like I'm vibrating so hard I could break.

On top of that I still don't anything about when my meds will get here.  I hope it's soon.  I have some extra, but this needs to end.  This is an HIV med.

So no, Apparently I can't have a good morning.


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