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Sunday, July 23, 2023

Low But Not None...


This is a well crafted piece, The risk of sexual transmission of HIV in individuals with low-level HIV viraemia: a systematic review." It comes from The Lancet & deals with with transmissions of HIV between serodiscordant partners.   Including the idea U=U.  

I've always had a problem with the undetectable equals untransmittable concept.  HIV levels can change quickly in certain circumstances.  The non + partner could be more prone to illness.   There are a lot of factors impacting U=U.  It's not that simple.  

The study found while transmission among those with low to undetectable viral levels were infrequent, they did happen rarely.  A major point they made was about definitions.  What is considered a low viral count, under 1000, under 200?  What does it mean to actually be undetectable?  

The long & short of it is, even though low viral counts or even undetectable means sex is safer, it doesn't mean it's absolutely safe.  Thus safer sex, not safe sex.  And this discussion has only been about HIV, not other STI's.

Be as safe as possible.  Use a condom, get tested, know your status, take care of yourself.  No one else is going to do this for you.


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