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Sunday, July 16, 2023

2030 & Done...


There is this drive to end AIDS by 2030.  It's good to have goals, but I doubt this is obtainable.   I'm not even sure what the definition of being rid of AIDS is for them.  Is it that there are no more actual occurrences of HIV so severe as to be termed AIDS?  Or is it, there are no further transmissions of HIV?

Either way, I don't think it's something that will happen.  They still won't demand standard testing for HIV & other STI during routine doctor visits.  Without testing, you can't know a person's status or treat those with HIV.  There's still not enough education & awareness.  The trend to lean on PrEP over condoms is failing.  It's failing so hard, that other STI are soaring & becoming drug resistant. 

Beyond that, only some of the world seems to care about ending HIV.  The rest doesn't care, thinks HIV is a culling, supports crap science or just won't culturally engage in the fight against HIV.  For whatever reasons, part of the world can't fight for the whole world against this virus.  It will take all of us & that's not going to happen.

It'd be great if no one else ever contracted HIV.  I doubt I'll live to see that.  Stop reaching for straws of hope & grab hold of things we know work in this fight.  


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