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Saturday, April 10, 2021

Vaccine Points...


Yesterday was a full week out  from the 2nd dose of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine.   I'm glad to have gotten it.  However, at least in my case,  they amazingly undersold the reactions. 

After several hours, the 1st  dose was like having a bad cold or  light flu.  There were aches, exhaustion, slight  fever, dragginess...  It was like that for about a day & then it took about 3 days to be completely normal. A little over a  week later,  I develop COVID arm, it lasted a few  days.

The 2nd dose was a lot more intense.  I was very tired later that  day.  By late morning, the next day,  it felt like a bad case of the flu;  chills, pain,  aches, fever, exhaustion, distraction...   That lasted fairly intensely for 3 days.  It tapered off, but  it took a full week to feel close to normal.  The exhaustion & soreness lasted the longest.  I haven't redeveloped COVID arm yet.

That was my experience with the Moderna  COVID-19 vaccine.  Take care.


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