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Saturday, November 3, 2018

Saturday Before...

My roomie's happy, Daylight Saving Time is over.   Tonight the clocks fall back an hour.  It'll mean brighter mornings.  But come mid-December, it'll be dark by 4:30 PM.   

I think the holidays are going to be weird this year.  A lot of stuff is happening with my roomie's family, so her plans are a bit up in the air.   I barely noticed Halloween. I posted a lot of pics on Facebook. I even went to a movie, but I mostly forgot it was Halloween.  It was just a dark, rainy night.  There wasn't even a cheap chocolate day to be had this year.   

I think most people spend so much time making everything "special" that holidays no longer have any weight to them.  It's sad to lose all that build up & anticipation, just because you  can buy candy-corn all year round.

Take Care.


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