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Friday, November 30, 2018

November Ending & On The Mend...

My health isn't back to normal, but it's better.  I'm still achy & chilly. My stomach is still very opinionated, better than I was.

We have to go shopping.  We didn't Monday, so we need some stuff.  Hopefully, this won't wear me out.

November is ending.  There are only 31 more days in 2018.  It's supposed to storm this afternoon.   With any luck, it won't be a bad storm.  We don't need that on top of everything else.  

Goodbye November.  Other than getting sick, it was a decent month. Until next year.

Take care.


Thursday, November 29, 2018


I seem to be getting past the worst of the sickness.  Now, it's on to all those aches & pains hiding underneath.  The smaller pains & issues that got overwhelmed with the illness.  Still, it's progress.  I'd like to say it's a good day, but that called into question when I went to wash some clothes from this sick period.  The agitator on the washer has nearly died.  I called the repairmen, we'll see what they say.  I hope it's fixable.  If not, we'll need another washer.

Take care.


Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Getting There...

There's been a lot of talk about escalating rates of HIV transmission in Eastern Europe & Russia.  That isn't very surprising.  There have been years of political contention & economic struggle.  Many in those parts of the world still hold that HIV is moral disease & those who get should die.  On top of that it adds more upheaval to already unstable nations.   With Russia's hate of all things Gay, it isn't surprising they have a high rate of HIV & that it's spreading into Europe.

On another topic.  I feel less dead this morning.  That's a serious improvement sense yesterday.  My stomach is still questionable & I'm very sore.  But, it's a step.  

Take care.


Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Still Not Well...

I managed not to vomit yesterday, but I stayed queasy.  There was a near, non-stop eruption of gas all day long.  My gastrointestinal system has still declared me persona non grata.  Hopefully, this will pass soon.  I was still queasy this morning.  The diarrhea is still here.   Eating is difficult & drinking isn't easy.   Maybe tomorrow, I'll have something more to write about than me being ill.


Monday, November 26, 2018

Still Off...

The worst of this sickness may be over.  I made it through the night just being queasy & feverish.  But, I didn't vomit.  I'll take that as a win.  I'm still very sore & achy.    I managed to get a shower yesterday, but I still smell "sick".  I hate that smell. I had to toss out some food I'd prepared just hours before I started getting ill.  We didn't want to risk catching this crap all over again.  I was supposed to go shopping today, that isn't happening.  We need to go check the mail, I think we can handle that.  That's all for now.

Take care.


Sunday, November 25, 2018


Last night was horrible.  I was up all night with diarrhea & vomiting.  It didn't stop until around 5:30 AM.  I'm exhausted & I hurt everywhere.   I'm going from hot to cold in moments & from head to toes. Hopefully, this doesn't last long. I can barely stand or walk.   I need to take a shower, but I think that's going to have to wait.  I just don't trust myself standing that long.

Stay well.


Saturday, November 24, 2018

Article Slump...

Not surprising, but articles have waned over the holiday.  People are probably focused on the holiday or shopping.   Hopefully, they'll pick up soon.  A major holiday down & the month's almost over.  This year flew by.

Take care.


Friday, November 23, 2018

Sucky Holiday...

Yesterday didn't go well.  My roomie was ill.  I didn't cook anything until late afternoon.  If I hadn't taken things down, I wouldn't have cooked at all. I have to go shopping in a bit.  By the time I get there, the Black Friday shoppers will be gone.  I'm edging back towards like not liking the holidays.  There's considerable effort & little pay out.  Other than eating food I prepared, I get nothing out of them.

Hope your day went better.


Thursday, November 22, 2018

Thanksgiving USA...

We're doing Thanksgiving by ourselves this year.  My roomie's normal plans have been altered by forces beyond her control.  Maybe next year.

There's still cooking to do, so this will be brief.   We won't be making much.  It's just us, so we want as little leftovers as possible.  Don't want to tired of it all before it's gone.

My meds finally arrived yesterday.  I wasn't sure if they would.  I really didn't know until the UPS driver made  the delivery.   I'm glad my order made it.  I didn't need that stress. It's handled for now.

Have a wonderful & safe holiday.


Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Short Angsty Post...

I'm still not sure if my meds will get here today.  That'll be a wait & see game.  I wasted yesterday on the phone trying to figure out what happened.  I think it's fixed, but I'm not sure.  

As for holiday stuff.  I'll take food out of the freezer today.  Nothing we're having will need longer than that.  Tomorrow will  be prepping, cooking & then eating.  Wish us well, our plans haven't been holding up as well as we'd like.  Hopefully, this holds together.   It's just the roomie & me this year, so there won't be any alternatives. 

Have a great holiday.


Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Pharma Screw Up Maybe...

I woke to an automated call from my pharmacy.  It told me, I was out of prescriptions.  My med bottle said I wasn't.  I called & supposedly it's handled.  I highly doubt that.   My doctor is still somewhat in question & may already be out for the holiday.  If I'd thought I'd need a refill order, I would've already handled it.  Thanks  for the holiday stress.  Like I needed that.


Monday, November 19, 2018

Not With It...

The holidays are here & rapidly piling down on us all.  I'm not feeling any of the antipathy I used for them.  But, there's not much there for them either.   I'm not upset, I'm just meh.  

I feel disconnected from them.  It doesn't help these last few months have flown. I feel I like should be getting ready for Halloween, not Thanksgiving.  The shopping is done & food is gathered.  We've even mostly covered for Christmas.  I say mostly, because there could always be last minute changes.

This year is different for our household.  Most of it doesn't directly deal with me, but our typical plans have changed & perhaps permanently.  The saying that a window opens when a door closes isn't always true.  Sometimes you have to pound a way through.  I hope this is just a period resting & recovering for those around me.  I think they all need it.

Take care & in case I forget, have a Happy Thanksgiving.


Sunday, November 18, 2018

Squawks Of Blue...

I woke to hopping, blue squawks this morning.   Jays were bopping about singing the "song" of their people.  Blue Jays don't sing, they don't caw, they squawk.  They're pretty, but  they're also loud, demanding birds.

Some famous people go out & make public showings of them getting tested for HIV.   They're trying to reduce stigma.   But there's a problem.   They're famous & would never face the same level of grief of someone not at their level of society.  There's no reason to believe they weren't already tested & know the outcome.  That's a bit disingenuous.   I could be wrong, the whole thing could be very candid.  But why would their publicist risk such an event, if it wasn't completely controlled?  

Prince Harry finding out he's HIV+ would be nothing like my neighbor finding out he was +.  The only thing they'd share was HIV, not the fall out of having the virus.  I get what they're trying to do & I appreciate it.   They might not be able to downplay stigma, but maybe they can push testing.


Saturday, November 17, 2018


Quite often, I hear people expressing concerns over having their sense of self-worth diminished by others.   Some act like, if the entire world doesn't agree with them or support whatever aspect of them, their sense of well being is under siege.   Whether this alleged assault on the victim's self is due to sexual orientation, gender, ethnicity, religion, etc... something remains the same.  No one has to support you or be there to keep your self-worth tip top.  That's your job, not theirs.

Yes stigma, is very real.  It's hurtful & can be harmful.   But just because someone doesn't agree with you, doesn't wish to associate with you, doesn't want to date you, doesn't find you sexually appealing, that doesn't mean they're attacking you. People should always have the right to associate with as they please.  It's a given, the reverse is also true.   I don't want to listen to some hyper religious, right wing, conservative rage on about how all Gay people are evil & going to hell.  Why should I have to?  I don't.  I have the right not to associate with those people.  I'm not required to be their target.  This isn't elementary & we're not playing dodgeball.

Your self-worth is just that, yours.  It's your's to cultivate, protect & explore.  No one else is required to do that for you.  Stop giving other people so much power over yourself.  You can't control others, you can only handle your own actions.   


Friday, November 16, 2018

Mid November...

It's the middle of the 11th month.  Today is day 319 of the year, there are only 46 days left in 2018.   It's all winding down so fast.  So let's set this out:

6 days until Thanksgiving
15 days until December
19 days until Krampusnacht
39 days until Roomie's Birthday
39 days until Christmas Eve
40 days until Christmas
45 days until New Year's Eve

We're heading out soon.   There's shopping to be done & then errands.  After today, we should have all we need for Thanksgiving dinner & holiday presents.  Will be nice to have it all handled.

Take care.


Thursday, November 15, 2018

Cold Night...

Last night was our coldest so far.  I could live with that being as cold as it gets.  We were in the lower 20's F.  I don't need to see the teens or lower.  Been there, didn't like it at all.   

My roomie left early this morning.  Normally, she just starts the car & leaves.  Not this morning.  No, she had to let the car warm for quite a while & there may have been scraping involved.  I don't know.  I didn't get out of my nice, warm bed.   The cat & I were sensible about the matter. 

So we've done cold, let's move on now.  Take care & be safe.


Wednesday, November 14, 2018

New Med....

This article is about a medication under development by ViiV called, Fostemsavir. ViiV is a mostly Gilead  owned company, but at least it's not another Truvada knock-off.  Many newer medications have been developed by pharma conglomerates.  This new medication is primarily being aimed at people with HIV that is resistant to most other meds.   This could be something big.  It'll be a bit, before it comes to market though.  Something else to watch for in the future.


Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Not Wellish...

I've not been feeling great this week.  Not sure if it's the change from  a fairly warm house to the cold, wet environ with heaters that's caused this or not.  I could've ran into some bug, I don't know, but it's been rough on my stomach.  I've been very nauseous & exhausted.  I woke up dehydrated yesterday & had a nosebleed this morning.  I hope this passes, it's tiring.  Somehow this weather or how I'm sleeping has also pissed off my hip.  It's stiff & achy.  The cold part of the year sucks.  

Take care, stay well.


Monday, November 12, 2018

Not Always Good News...

Over the past few years, there's been talk of an anti-HIV vaginal gel.  According to this article, it seemed to work well in trials at preventing infection.  It didn't do well in the field.   Compared to the placebo gel, a near identical number contracted HIV.  The researchers blame the failure on lack of adherence & proper use.  This may be true.   It doesn't matter how great it might be, without a easily followed regimen, the gel is fairly much a failure.   Not all research ends with promise.


Sunday, November 11, 2018

A Little Hurried...

We have some plans today & I'm trying to get my midday stuff handled.  I almost forgot to post.  Not that it'll be much of a post.  I try to post something everyday, even if it's not much.  I don't want to get out of the habit. That said, that's all for today.


Saturday, November 10, 2018

Cell Detection...

Bear with me if some typos get by me this morning.  It's the 1st morning of sub-freezing temps & the house is cold.   My fingers are sluggish & want to hide under my sleeves.  I hate Winter.

This article is over using cellphones & a special attachment to detect HIV.  At this point, the approach would be limited to less developed areas, lacking funds & access for the usual medical methods.   If this works well, the method could be expanded.  It could include testing for other illnesses or even in rural parts of developed countries.  It could eventually surpasses current  methodologies.   Have to keep an eye on this topic.

Take care, stay warm.


Friday, November 9, 2018

Heater On Standby....

Tested the heaters again.  We'll need them tonight.  Our 1st freeze is nearly here.  A few times, before  Thursday, we could be looking at overnight temps as low as 22F.   That's a bout -5 C for everyone else.  Whatever you call it, it'll be frigid.  

The heaters were lit & left on for a bit.   The 1st lengthy on time for the stoves is always odd.  They smell off for a bit, until they burn through it.  They make sounds you're not accustomed to anymore.   They crackle & hiss when on & then the metal makes noise as it cools when you turn them off for a while.  

Cabinets near sinks will be left open.  The ceiling fans have been reversed.  Covers are being brought out.  Throws are on the couch & chair.   House shoes, warm socks & flannels have  appeared.  Our 1st dip into  frigid is coming early this year.   At least this round, will only last a few days,   Soon, it'll just be the seasonal norm.  

Take care, stay warm.


Thursday, November 8, 2018

Here Comes the Cold...

Normally, we can last until the holidays to turn on the heater.  That won't be the case this year.  From Friday til mid next week, we're supposed to hit an unseasonable cold snap.  Overnight temps in the mid 20's will require a heater.  So, they'll be on for at least a few days.   I bet it still doesn't kill the grass.


Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Issues With Articles...

When I'm looking for articles, I run into several problems.  The most common, is I simply can't locate any new pieces.   But there are others.

This piece is about the medication being developed in Israel.    I posted about this drug yesterday.  Zion, the developer, is having to quell rumors of it being an utter cure or an absolute hoax.   Follow up to new articles is always important.  Which of those is right?  Probably neither, but may take a while for the actuality of things to come out.

This piece is about another dentist, this time in Pennsylvania.   The dentist failed to do proper sanitation.  The office is closed & the dentist surrendered his license.  Health authorities are warning any one who went to the this dentist in the past 11 years to get tested for HIV & hepatitis.  

Then there was another article.  I'm not posting a link.  I refuse to help this site.  It sounded interesting.  It alleged it was about HIV & comorbidities.   This is a serious problem & could've been a good read.  All this "professional" piece said was that  there was a problem & pattern with HIV  & comorbidities.  Well, DUH! We knew that.   They hoped their drivel would motivate more actual study.  This wasn't a professional article, it wasn't an abstract, hell it wasn't even a tidbit.

Articles can be scarce or even problematic.  They can continue to develop over a long period.  The info can change or repeat.  Some, just aren't really articles at all.

Take care.


Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Articles For Today...

Today is mid-term election day, go vote.  I did during early voting.  Now, it's a wait & see game.

I found a couple articles, neither are very extensive, so I'll post them & you can go read them.  The 1st is about medication that fights HIV differently.  It's from Zion, a pharma company out of Israel.   The details are light, but the article has potential.

The 2nd, the FDA has approved a new HIV testing kit from Ortho Clinical Diagnostics.  Again, not a lot of details, but it seems to promise more efficacy at earlier times post possible exposure.   Give it a read.

That's all for now.   Take care.


Monday, November 5, 2018


“Fasten your seatbelts, it’s going to be a bumpy ride,” is a quote the Gay community loves to throw about.  It's a slight misquote of Bette Davis from All About Eve.   It applies to a lot of things in Gay culture.  It's also pretty pertinent when dealing with anxiety.   I don't know why, but sometimes it feels like I'm in a race against something.  I have no idea why I'm racing, against who or what, not even why.  I just know I'm in a mad dash, pushing as hard as I can & I'm still falling behind.   I'm left feeling harried, frustrated & exhausted.  But mostly, I'm just trying to figure why I'm rushing & where's the finish line

I can usually handle this by trying to manage my life.  Not micro manage all the minutia, but at least have idea of what I'm doing that day.  Like what will we eat for the day?  Do we have any errands to run?  This usually works.

But as life would have it, something always have to screw it up & then the race is on again.   It doesn't have to be a big thing, it can be the smallest change or addition that throws you back on the track.   Even if you know it's nothing, suddenly everything's speeding again & there's an endless supply of potholes & bumps in the road.   All you can do is breath & push forward.


Sunday, November 4, 2018


It happened, time changed.  The blanket ends swapped.   Nothing changes except the light levels.  I'm typing this at was an hour later yesterday.  The sky's a little brighter for now, but sunset will begin at 5:30 or instead of later.   It's always a tradeoff.  I'm not sure this is good swap.  I may get a brighter morning for a bit, but I'm awake during the dark longer.  Give & take, in the end you really gain nothing.   


Saturday, November 3, 2018

Saturday Before...

My roomie's happy, Daylight Saving Time is over.   Tonight the clocks fall back an hour.  It'll mean brighter mornings.  But come mid-December, it'll be dark by 4:30 PM.   

I think the holidays are going to be weird this year.  A lot of stuff is happening with my roomie's family, so her plans are a bit up in the air.   I barely noticed Halloween. I posted a lot of pics on Facebook. I even went to a movie, but I mostly forgot it was Halloween.  It was just a dark, rainy night.  There wasn't even a cheap chocolate day to be had this year.   

I think most people spend so much time making everything "special" that holidays no longer have any weight to them.  It's sad to lose all that build up & anticipation, just because you  can buy candy-corn all year round.

Take Care.


Friday, November 2, 2018

Busy Start...

The beginning of the month rush is back.  We're off to go vote & then shop.  Tomorrow we have to run to the bank & start bill paying.  Then on Monday, we have to do more shopping & hopefully finish most of the house bills.  It's always busy at the 1st of the month, but at least then it's handled for a bit.

Have to go, take care.


Thursday, November 1, 2018

Goodbye, Hello...

Goodbye October, I don't know how you flew by so quickly or why you were so wet.  We passed our rain averages.   There were a couple of good movies, a holiday special & said, "Like it or not Fall is here."  Trick or Treaters weren't happy with the 2"+ of rain that fell yesterday, but oh well. Until next year.

Hello November.  You started with rain & grey skies.  I hope this gets better.  This weekend will be the time change.  Then there's voting.   The holiday season is here.  We have plans for most  of it.   Try to remember you're an Autumn month & not part of Winter.  As always, please hold back on the drama.

That's it for now.  Take care.
