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Thursday, June 30, 2022

No More June...


Goodbye June, you weren't an easy month.   But then again, I'm too the point I don't really believe in good  times anymore.  I used to think, that maybe in a month or so things would improve.  That may work for some people, but not me.  It's always the same old, same old.  Sometimes with a dash of of worse.

June started dark & miserable then turned sweltering.  There were a lot of issues, some that didn't get resolved (Looking at you van).  But overall, it's just a continuance of the downhill slope we've been on for   while.  

So, whatever June, you're done, move on.


Wednesday, June 29, 2022

OK Then...


Yesterday was cool again.  Probably the last day of that for a while, but it was nice.  The van situation did not go as planned.  We got it to the shop & then the issue failed to show again.  It could be another van weirdness or something that will show up again later.  This is a have to "wait & see" kind of thing.

So far it's a nice morning.  Other trash going out, we don't have much planned.  June's almost over & I can't say I'm sad to see it go.

Take care.


Tuesday, June 28, 2022

The Van Again...


The van saga continues.  We have to take it to the shop in just a bit.  This will be it for today.   Yesterday was much cooler.  It won't last, but it was nice.

Take care.


Monday, June 27, 2022

National HIV Testing Day...


June 27th is National HIV Testing Day.  This year's theme is, "Testing Is Self Care."  You'll have do an online search to find local sites.  Many Walgreens are participating.  

Be as safe as possible, get tested.  You can help protect yourself & others.  Take care.


Sunday, June 26, 2022

Too Hot...


Yesterday got too hot.  A weather site said we hit 100, but I was checking & never saw that.  That said, the heat index was terrible.  It's supposed to be cooler today.

I guess it's too hot for articles a well.  All I saw were rehashes & historicals.  Arthur Ashe has probably gotten more coverage the last month then during his career.

That's it for now, take care.


Saturday, June 25, 2022

Hot & Tiring...


Yesterday was hotter & more tiring than I was prepared for.  There was a return trip to the mechanic, because the issue wasn't resolved.  They think they've figured  it  out & the van goes back in on Tuesday.  At least shopping & insurance got handled.

Over half of the supreme court deserves to be hung.  Overturning Roe was the most partisan decision they've made in my lifetime.  The Court has no credibility left.


Friday, June 24, 2022

Busy & Hot...


Besides normal errands, the van has to be taken to the mechanic shop.  I need  to go shopping & handle  car insurance as well.  Hopefully, we can handle all of our tasks before it gets too hot.  

I'm sleeping alright, but waking is another thing.  I'm staying dehydrated in the mornings.  Between the heat & fans, we're making jerky.  

That's all for now, take care.


Thursday, June 23, 2022

Fluff Holder...


Today was all about the fluff piece.   Some were feel-good articles to make life with HIV seem less dismal.  Other's were  rehash.  While some came  off as primers,  like, "The History of HIV Medications."  It's a  relevant topic, but you can find it a dozen different places on the net, including Wikipedia.

Tomorrow will be a bit busy.  Besides shopping, we have to drop the van off  by the mechanic.   The oil  light came on.  Hopefully, it just needs an oil change.   I also have to pay my car insurance.

That's all for now, take care.


Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Nearly Nothing...


Things conspired yesterday & left me frazzled & spent.  The Windows 11 update was handled.  Then when regular updates  happened, 1 failed.  This  little beast is being a problem for a lot of people.  Still, I didn't need it just after that big update.

I didn't manage much else yesterday & might not this morning.  This is it for now.  Maybe I'll be in a better place tomorrow.

Take care.


Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Computer Stuff...


I didn't see any newer article topics.  I need to get somethings handled on my PC, so this will be it for now.  Hopefully there will be more tomorrow, besides just saying it's hot.

Take care...


Monday, June 20, 2022

Every Other Day...


I'm not what's up with me this morning, but I've thought it was every other day besides Monday.  I started getting around like  it was  Sunday, then I thought better  & re-aimed at Tuesday.  Finally, I remembered  it was no-mail Monday & we'd be going shopping in a bit.  My mind hates Mondays so much, it tried to erase them. is saying allergens are low. Accu-weather is saying every irritant besides tree pollen is moderate  or high.  This air & fans are being a bit rough.

That's all for now take care.


Sunday, June 19, 2022

Meh Rain...


There were supposed to be storms all afternoon long yesterday.  Of course, that didn't happen.  It finally dumped some rain from about 9 - 11 or so. It wasn't  much of anything.  If that had happened during the heat of the day, it would've made more steamy & miserable.   Looks like this heat is going to be with us for a while.  

There's not much going on here, so that's about it for now.  Take care.


Saturday, June 18, 2022



I haven't been sleeping badly lately, but last night somehow, I managed to sleep well.  I'd been resting Ok, but this morning I feel somewhat better than I have.   Maybe the humidity worked in my favor last night.

I'd been debating about upgrading to Windows 11 today.  That's not going to happen.  Tuesday might have less traffic & I'm not fussing up this morning.    I don't feel the greatest, but better than I have in a bit.  Windows can wait.

That's all for now, take care.


Friday, June 17, 2022

Indirect HIV Meds...


Many HIV+ people wind up having other medical issues, due to or affected by their HIV status.  This can lead to the need for non-HIV meds.  Among those are opioids.  This isn't a great piece, but it's a start at looking at how new opioid regulation will impact HIV+ patients.  I hope there are more developed articles coming.

That's all for now.  It's overly warm, I'm dehydrated & I need a shower.   Take care.


Thursday, June 16, 2022

Warm Mornings...


Warm & muggy mornings are the norm now. June flipped the suckage meter to the other extreme.  2022 continues to be borderline intolerable.  People talk about the good ole days.  When were those exactly?  I don't consider much of the 2000s good.  I haven't really seen these good ole days in my lifetime.   These people are either delusional or ancient.

It's warming up already.  My roomie is having someone over.  The AC will be on a little earlier.  Don't want to  fry the guest.  

That's all for now, take care.


Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Hope Basket...


2 days ago, I posted on a new form of genetic editing to white blood cells to fight HIV.  Gene modification & CRISPR aren't new, but they're still novel.  These researchers are touting an injection that would be the final treatment for the virus.  

Since that, almost every article I've seen has been over this topic.  Would this be great?  That depends on a lot of things, like affordability & possible reactions.  But more so, is that this is still not certain.

Research brings new ideas to the table fairly often. Many of them, if not most, don't pan out.  They may add to the knowledge base, but they aren't the silver bullet people sought.  Will this be?  I don't know.  I doubt anyone does at this time.  

What I'm saying is, while this looks promising, it might not be.  Don't pin your hopes of this, it could fail.   This is just 1 basket & you don't have that many eggs to lose.


Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Hot Afternoon Mowing...


I don't have anything in the way of articles this morning.  Everything was still posting about what I blogged about yesterday.  It's interesting, but still very experimental.

I think the man who mows our yard has a bit of a death wish.  Yesterday wasn't as hot as the day before, but it was still scorching.  He decided to mow during the hottest point of the  afternoon.   I know he was on a riding mower, but it was very unpleasant. 

Shopping's done, mowing was handled, things are checked off for now.   That's it's for now.  Take care.


Monday, June 13, 2022

Possibly Maybe...


This piece is a bit too speculative for me to get behind 100%.  It's about a genetic modification that could be done to white blood cells to fight various virus based illnesses.  That would include HIV/AIDS, various cancers & similar viral ailments. 

While the idea of the research isn't new, it's still very novel.   Will this come to pass?   I don't know.  But if it does, it's still several iterations & years away.  That's all before final testing.  This could happen, maybe a decade out.

Things like this are good.  They push the research.  Even if it doesn't come to fruition, it will have impact.  Not every concept makes it into reality.  But they all shape the process.

Take care.


Sunday, June 12, 2022

Hot Arrived...


June is doing what I thought it would.  It went from dismal, wet, dreary & cool.  To too damn hot & humid in a couple of days.  Yesterday was overly warm.  Today is supposed to get HOT.   The heat wouldn't be that bad, but it comes right after a lot of rain.  It's going to be sweltering.  June continues to suck.  It just changed the flavor, like going from horehound to salted black licorice.

June sucks, it's going to be a muggy hell.  The grass needs cut & the bugs are in abundance.  I hope the lawn guy doesn't try to mow today.  This heat might just kill him.  That'd be sad, but then I'd have to find someone else to mow the yard.  Callous, I know, but also true.

Take care.


Saturday, June 11, 2022

OK Morning...


I"m running a little late this morning.  I woke stiff & a little sore from this weather.  I finally got around  & decided to look at my roomie's new PC.  It needed some maintenance programs added.   Those are on a ton of updates were added.  Now on to my stiff.  That's all for this morning.  It's going to start getting hot.  Oh joy heat & humidity.

Take care.


Friday, June 10, 2022

Dismal Again...


It's dark, rainy again.  Another inch fell.  After the rain stops, it's supposed to get hot.  It's going to be humid hell.   June apparently has no intention of not sucking.

2 things, 1st, my roomie's new system is running & in process of setup completion.  It may take a bit.  Windows 11's interface is somewhere between a chromebook & smartphone.  Most of old Windows is  still there, just hidden behind some awkward cosmetic changes.

Next, if you're in the military, the Pentagon is loosening it's rules on HIV+ people in service.   There are tons  are  articles, Google it.  I guess that's great if you want to be in the military.  Yo Joe & all that...


Thursday, June 9, 2022



It's lighter out this morning.  I won't say bright, because it isn't, it's sort of a soft glow through clouds.  Sounds prettier than it actually is.  Oklahoma & Arkansas were noted as the wettest  states for the 1st week of June.   We've already passed our monthly rain average.   Now watch it turn into humidity hell. 

I hope the day stays nice.  We need it.  There's also some things we need to get handled.   I shouldn't be this affected by SAD this late in the year, but here it is.  I'm just tired, anxious & spent.


Wednesday, June 8, 2022

June's Cup...


The month of June had a cup & decided not to fill it with sunshine, joy, happiness or even just mundane nothingness.  Instead, June opted to fill it's cup with pure suck.  The month's cup of suck runneth over.  It has had suck in abundance.    

This morning was dark, wet & dreary again.  There was more storms & rain.  Most of yesterday was darker than any day we had last Winter.  I doubt there are any good times of the year left.   It seems 2022 is going for 6 out of 6 for crappy months.


Tuesday, June 7, 2022

The Same...


  • There was a bunch of nothing for articles.
  • It's dark & dreary.
  • It's threatening rain.
  • It's also threatening to get hot.
  • Computer situation is in progress mostly.
  • I still hate mornings.
  • June is still sucking.
Update complete.

On a slight positive, the bills are handled.   A Rose of Sharon had it's 1st flowers bloom.  At least there's those things.


Monday, June 6, 2022



It stormed last night.  It poured over 1" of rain with a lot of thunder & lightning.  I guess we were lucky, we just had a power blip.  Judging by the utility trucks  driving around, I'd say some of our neighbors weren't so fortunate.  

The new computer arrived  yesterday.  It's still in the box.  I'm not sure when it'll be setup, but I didn't have the nerves left for it yesterday.  

So far, June has been like the rest of 2022, a let down.  I was hoping for more light & better mornings.  At least to where I wasn't cursing the fact I woke.  I hate waking up, nothing good comes from it.

I tried to find out more from my specialist in Tulsa about my next appointment.  They still don't know.  They've a new system, new doctors & a new telemedicine center in my area.  There's still a lot of kinks to work out.

That's all for now,  take care.


Sunday, June 5, 2022

It Continues...


The computer stress continues. We went to get a new system yesterday & they were out of stock.  I ordered  a desktop & it's supposed to be here today.  Even if it arrives, then there's the process of dealing with a new system.  

I hate all of this.  I haven't been doing well for some time.  I don't feel like I've got to come down for years.  Staying at this level of anxiousness is exhausting.  There's precious little in my life that I don't hate at the moment.  Almost everything is causing too much drama & costing me, while giving far too little in return.

I hope at least part of this lets up soon.  Take care.


Saturday, June 4, 2022

Stressed Short...


Yesterday was one stressful event after another.  Most  of it was just annoying.  But, it wouldn't stop.   We finally made it  home & the day went alright.  Then last night my roomie's computer started dying.  Another victim of a Windows' update.

Most likely, we'll be heading out in a bit to get her a new system.   Sounds like so much fun.  I guess June is just going to be another crap  month.

I'm tired & I need to  get moving.  


Friday, June 3, 2022

Start The Month...


We've got to handle 1st of the month stuff when we go out shopping.  I still have to get cleaned up so we can get out of here.  It would've been an alright morning if  Windows hadn't screwed it up with another botched update.  Microsoft you suck.

I wasted too much time on the updates to get a decent post out this morning.  Maybe tomorrow.  Take care.


Thursday, June 2, 2022

On A Dark June Morning...


On the 2nd of June, less than 3 weeks before Summer Solstice, it's dark & dreary.  The theme of 2022 has been dark & dreary, the other D&D.  It was supposed to storm, but so far, it's just piddling.  Maybe it'll be a bit cooler.  Yesterday got a bit rough with the newish warmth & humidity.  

So much for a pleasant morning.  Take care.


Wednesday, June 1, 2022

June Again...


June is starting off dim & muggy with promise of  storms.   I'd like it if that wasn't a prediction for the rest of the month.  We have to handle some house stuff & a couple of errands today.  Nothing big so far.

Yesterday got a bit warm & humid, but for a while it was nice.   Trying handle the cat's buggy issues.  We'll see how that goes.  

Hello June, it'd be great if you were at least a non  problematic month.
